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TXS0102 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器

TXS0102 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 主页 逻辑和电压转换 parametric-filter 放大器 parametric-filter 音频 parametric-filter 时钟和计时 parametric-filter DLP 产品 parametric-filter 数据转换器 parametric-filter 芯片与晶圆服务 parametric-filter 接口 parametric-filter 隔离 parametric-filter 逻辑和电压转换 parametric-filter 微控制器 (MCU) 和处理器 parametric-filter 电机驱动器 parametric-filter 电源管理 parametric-filter 射频与微波 parametric-filter 传感器 parametric-filter 开关与多路复用器 parametric-filter 无线连接 电压转换器和电平转换器 parametric-filter 缓冲器、驱动器和收发器 parametric-filter 触发器、锁存器和寄存器 parametric-filter 逻辑门 parametric-filter 专用逻辑 IC parametric-filter 电压转换器和电平转换器 自动方向电压转换器 parametric-filter 应用特定的电压转换器 parametric-filter 自动方向电压转换器 parametric-filter 方向控制型电压转换器 parametric-filter 固定方向电压转换器 主页 逻辑和电压转换 电压转换器和电平转换器 自动方向电压转换器 TXS0102 正在供货 适用于漏极开路和推挽应用的 2 位双向电压电平转换器 立即订购 数据表 document-pdfAcrobat TXS0102-Q1 2 位双向电压电平转换器 用于开漏和推挽应用 数据表 (Rev. J) PDF | HTML document-pdfAcrobat 下载英文版本 (Rev.J) PDF | HTML TXS0102 正在供货 数据表 立即订购 产品详情 Technology family TXS Applications I2C, MDIO Bits (#) 2 Data rate (max) (Mbps) 24 High input voltage (min) (V) 1.45 High input voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Vout (min) (V) 1.65 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 IOH (max) (mA) 0 IOL (max) (mA) 0 Supply current (max) (µA) 10 Features Edge rate accelerator, Output enable, Partial power down (Ioff), Vcc isolation Input type Transmission Gate Output type 3-State, Transmission Gate Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Technology family TXS Applications I2C, MDIO Bits (#) 2 Data rate (max) (Mbps) 24 High input voltage (min) (V) 1.45 High input voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Vout (min) (V) 1.65 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 IOH (max) (mA) 0 IOL (max) (mA) 0 Supply current (max) (µA) 10 Features Edge rate accelerator, Output enable, Partial power down (Ioff), Vcc isolation Input type Transmission Gate Output type 3-State, Transmission Gate Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 DSBGA (YZP) 8 2.8125 mm² 2.25 x 1.25 SSOP (DCT) 8 11.8 mm² 2.95 x 4 VSSOP (DCU) 8 6.2 mm² 2 x 3.1 X2SON (DQE) 8 1.4 mm² 1.4 x 1 X2SON (DQM) 8 2.16 mm² 1.8 x 1.2 无需方向控制信号 最大数据速率: 24Mbps(推挽) 2Mbps(开漏) 采用德州仪器 (TI) 的 NanoStar™ 集成电路封装 A 端口支持 1.65V 至 3.6V 的电压,B 端口支持 2.3V 至 5.5V 的电压 (V CCA ≤ V CCB) V CC 隔离特性:如果任何一个 V CC 输入接地 (GND),则两个端口均处于高阻抗状态 无需电源定序:V CCA 或 V CCB 均可优先斜升 I off 支持局部关断模式运行 闩锁性能超过 100mA,符合 JESD 78 II 类规范的要求 ESD 保护性能超过 JESD 22 规范要求: A 端口: 2500V 人体放电模型 (A114-B) 250V 机器放电模型 (A115-A) 1500V 充电器件模型 (C101) B 端口: 8kV 人体放电模型 (A114-B) 250V 机器放电模型 (A115-A) 1500V 充电器件模型 (C101) 无需方向控制信号 最大数据速率: 24Mbps(推挽) 2Mbps(开漏) 采用德州仪器 (TI) 的 NanoStar™ 集成电路封装 A 端口支持 1.65V 至 3.6V 的电压,B 端口支持 2.3V 至 5.5V 的电压 (V CCA ≤ V CCB) V CC 隔离特性:如果任何一个 V CC 输入接地 (GND),则两个端口均处于高阻抗状态 无需电源定序:V CCA 或 V CCB 均可优先斜升 I off 支持局部关断模式运行 闩锁性能超过 100mA,符合 JESD 78 II 类规范的要求 ESD 保护性能超过 JESD 22 规范要求: A 端口: 2500V 人体放电模型 (A114-B) 250V 机器放电模型 (A115-A) 1500V 充电器件模型 (C101) B 端口: 8kV 人体放电模型 (A114-B) 250V 机器放电模型 (A115-A) 1500V 充电器件模型 (C101) 此两位同相转换器是一个双向电压电平转换器,可用来在混合电压系统之间建立数字开关兼容性。它使用两个独立的可配置电源轨,其中 A 端口支持 1.65V 至 3.6V 工作电压范围,同时可跟踪 V CCA 电源,而 B 端口支持 2.3V 至 5.5V 工作电压范围,同时可跟踪 V CCB 电源。因此,该器件能够支持更低及更高的逻辑信号电平,同时能够在 1.8V、2.5V、3.3V 和 5V 电压节点之间任意进行双向转换。当输出使能端 (OE) 输入为低电平时,所有输入/输出均处于高阻抗状态,从而显著减少了电源静态电流消耗。为确保在上电或掉电期间均处于高阻抗状态,应将 OE 通过下拉电阻器接地;该电阻其的最小值取决于驱动器的拉电流能力。 此两位同相转换器是一个双向电压电平转换器,可用来在混合电压系统之间建立数字开关兼容性。它使用两个独立的可配置电源轨,其中 A 端口支持 1.65V 至 3.6V 工作电压范围,同时可跟踪 V CCA 电源,而 B 端口支持 2.3V 至 5.5V 工作电压范围,同时可跟踪 V CCB 电源。因此,该器件能够支持更低及更高的逻辑信号电平,同时能够在 1.8V、2.5V、3.3V 和 5V 电压节点之间任意进行双向转换。当输出使能端 (OE) 输入为低电平时,所有输入/输出均处于高阻抗状态,从而显著减少了电源静态电流消耗。为确保在上电或掉电期间均处于高阻抗状态,应将 OE 通过下拉电阻器接地;该电阻其的最小值取决于驱动器的拉电流能力。 open-in-new 查找其他 自动方向电压转换器 下载 观看带字幕的视频 视频 您可能感兴趣的相似产品 open-in-new 比较替代产品 功能与比较器件相同但引脚有所不同 TXS0104E 正在供货 适用于开漏和推挽应用的四位双向电压电平转换器 Same function for 4-channel voltage translator 技术文档 star =有关此产品的 TI 精选热门文档 未找到结果。请清除搜索并重试。 查看全部 18 类型 标题 下载最新的英语版本 日期 * 数据表 TXS0102-Q1 2 位双向电压电平转换器 用于开漏和推挽应用 数据表 (Rev. J) PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 (Rev.J) PDF | HTML 2023年 11月 2日 应用简报 集成式与分立式开漏电平转换 PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 PDF | HTML 2024年 2月 13日 应用手册 利用边沿速率加速器和自动感应电平转换器 PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 PDF | HTML 2023年 10月 2日 应用简报 利用 TI 的双封装技术确保您的电平转换器设计适应未来需求 PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 PDF | HTML 2023年 9月 6日 应用手册 具有边沿速率加速器的 TXB 和 TXS 电压电平转换器的注意事项 PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 PDF | HTML 2023年 6月 29日 产品概述 实现具有电平转换功能的模块上系统和工业 PC 连接 PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 PDF | HTML 2023年 4月 4日 应用简报 实现下一代具有电压电平转换功能的处理器、FPGA 和 ASSP PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 PDF | HTML 2023年 1月 18日 应用简报 Enabling Smart Solar Inverter Designs with Level Translation PDF | HTML 2022年 10月 31日 产品概述 Translate Voltages for I2C for PCA9306 LSF0102 TXS0102 PDF | HTML 2022年 9月 14日 产品概述 Translate Voltages for I2C PDF | HTML 2022年 6月 2日 应用简报 Translate Voltages for MDIO PDF | HTML 2021年 7月 16日 EVM 用户指南 TXS-EVM 用户指南 (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 (Rev.B) PDF | HTML 2021年 7月 15日 选择指南 Voltage Translation Buying Guide (Rev. A) 2021年 4月 15日 技术文章 How smart thermostats get their degrees PDF | HTML 2020年 3月 9日 应用手册 Effects of pullup and pulldown resistors on TXS and TXB devices (Rev. A) 2018年 3月 28日 应用手册 Factors Affecting VOL for TXS and LSF Auto-bidirectional Translation Devices 2017年 11月 19日 应用手册 Biasing Requirements for TXS, TXB, and LSF Auto-Bidirectional Translators 2017年 10月 30日 应用手册 A Guide to Voltage Translation With TXS-Type Translators 2010年 6月 29日 设计和开发 如需其他信息或资源,请点击以下任一标题进入详情页面查看(如有)。 评估板 5-8-LOGIC-EVM — 支持 5 至 8 引脚 DCK、DCT、DCU、DRL 和 DBV 封装的通用逻辑评估模块 灵活的 EVM 设计用于支持具有 5 至 8 引脚数且采用 DCK、DCT、DCU、DRL 或 DBV 封装的任何器件。 用户指南: PDF 登录以订购   lock 登录以查看库存 In stock 数量限制: 上无现货 评估板 TXS-EVM — 适用于单通道、双通道、四通道和八通道器件的转换器系列评估模块 TXS-EVM 设计用于支持单通道、双通道、四通道和八通道 TXS 器件。TXS 器件属于自动双向电压电平转换系列,工作电压范围为 1.2V 至 5.5V,设计用于支持各个扇区中的各种通用电压电平转换应用。 用户指南: PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 (Rev.B): PDF | HTML 登录以订购   lock 登录以查看库存 In stock 数量限制: 上无现货 许多 TI 参考设计都包括 TXS0102 通过我们的参考设计选择工具来审查并确定最适用于您应用和参数的设计。 查看参考设计 封装 引脚 下载 DSBGA (YZP) 8 查看选项 SSOP (DCT) 8 查看选项 VSSOP (DCU) 8 查看选项 X2SON (DQE) 8 查看选项 X2SON (DQM) 8 查看选项 应遵守 TI 评估类商品的标准条款与条件。 订购和质量 包含信息: RoHS REACH 器件标识 引脚镀层/焊球材料 MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度 MTBF/时基故障估算 材料成分 鉴定摘要 持续可靠性监测 包含信息: 制造厂地点 封装厂地点 支持和培训 可获得 TI 工程师技术支持的 TI E2E™ 论坛 查看全部论坛主题 查看英文版全部论坛主题 所有内容均由 TI 和社区贡献者按“原样”提供,并不构成 TI 规范。请参阅使用条款。 如果您对质量、包装或订购 TI 产品有疑问,请参阅 TI 支持。​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 视频系列 观看全部视频 视频

TXS0108E 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器

TXS0108E 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 主页 逻辑和电压转换 parametric-filter 放大器 parametric-filter 音频 parametric-filter 时钟和计时 parametric-filter DLP 产品 parametric-filter 数据转换器 parametric-filter 芯片与晶圆服务 parametric-filter 接口 parametric-filter 隔离 parametric-filter 逻辑和电压转换 parametric-filter 微控制器 (MCU) 和处理器 parametric-filter 电机驱动器 parametric-filter 电源管理 parametric-filter 射频与微波 parametric-filter 传感器 parametric-filter 开关与多路复用器 parametric-filter 无线连接 电压转换器和电平转换器 parametric-filter 缓冲器、驱动器和收发器 parametric-filter 触发器、锁存器和寄存器 parametric-filter 逻辑门 parametric-filter 专用逻辑 IC parametric-filter 电压转换器和电平转换器 自动方向电压转换器 parametric-filter 应用特定的电压转换器 parametric-filter 自动方向电压转换器 parametric-filter 方向控制型电压转换器 parametric-filter 固定方向电压转换器 主页 逻辑和电压转换 电压转换器和电平转换器 自动方向电压转换器 TXS0108E 正在供货 适用于漏极开路和推挽应用的 8 位双向电压电平转换器 立即订购 数据表 document-pdfAcrobat TXS0108E 面向开漏和推挽应用的 8 位双向电压电平转换器 数据表 (Rev. J) PDF | HTML document-pdfAcrobat 下载英文版本 (Rev.J) PDF | HTML TXS0108E 正在供货 数据表 立即订购 产品详情 Technology family TXS Applications I2C, MDIO, SMbus Bits (#) 8 Data rate (max) (Mbps) 100 High input voltage (min) (V) 1 High input voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Vout (min) (V) 1.4 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 IOH (max) (mA) 0 IOL (max) (mA) 0 Supply current (max) (µA) 8 Features Edge rate accelerator, Output enable, Vcc isolation Input type Transmission Gate Output type 3-State, Transmission Gate Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 Technology family TXS Applications I2C, MDIO, SMbus Bits (#) 8 Data rate (max) (Mbps) 100 High input voltage (min) (V) 1 High input voltage (max) (V) 5.5 Vout (min) (V) 1.4 Vout (max) (V) 5.5 IOH (max) (mA) 0 IOL (max) (mA) 0 Supply current (max) (µA) 8 Features Edge rate accelerator, Output enable, Vcc isolation Input type Transmission Gate Output type 3-State, Transmission Gate Rating Catalog Operating temperature range (°C) -40 to 85 NFBGA (NME) 20 7.5 mm² 2.5 x 3 TSSOP (PW) 20 41.6 mm² 6.5 x 6.4 VQFN (RGY) 20 15.75 mm² 4.5 x 3.5 无需方向控制信号 最大数据速率: 110Mbps(推挽) 1.2Mbps(开漏) A 端口上为 1.4V 至 3.6V;B 端口上为 1.65V 至 5.5V (VCCA ≤ VCCB) 无需电源时序控制 - VCCA 或 VCCB 均可优先斜升 闩锁性能超过 100mA,符合 JESD 78 II 类规范的要求 静电放电 (ESD) 保护性能超过 JESD 22 规范的要求(A 端口): 2000V 人体放电模型 (A114-B) 150V 机器放电模型 (A115-A) IEC 61000-4-2 ESD(B 端口): ±8kV 接触放电 ±6kV 空气放电 无需方向控制信号 最大数据速率: 110Mbps(推挽) 1.2Mbps(开漏) A 端口上为 1.4V 至 3.6V;B 端口上为 1.65V 至 5.5V (VCCA ≤ VCCB) 无需电源时序控制 - VCCA 或 VCCB 均可优先斜升 闩锁性能超过 100mA,符合 JESD 78 II 类规范的要求 静电放电 (ESD) 保护性能超过 JESD 22 规范的要求(A 端口): 2000V 人体放电模型 (A114-B) 150V 机器放电模型 (A115-A) IEC 61000-4-2 ESD(B 端口): ±8kV 接触放电 ±6kV 空气放电 该器件是一款 8 位同相电平转换器,此转换器使用两个独立的可配置电源轨。A 端口跟踪 VCCA 引脚的电源电压。VCCA 引脚可接受 1.4V 至 5.5V 之间的任何电源电压。B 端口跟踪 VCCB 引脚的电源电压。VCCB 引脚接受 1.65V 至 5.5V 之间的任何电源电压。两个输入电源引脚可实现 1.65V、1.8V、2.5V、3.3V 和 5V 电压节点之间的低电压双向转换。输出使能 (OE) 输入为低电平时,所有输出均将置于高阻抗 (Hi-Z) 状态。为了在上电或断电期间将器件置于高阻态状态,需要通过一个下拉电阻将 OE 接至 GND。驱动器的拉电流能力确定了电阻器的最小值。 该器件是一款 8 位同相电平转换器,此转换器使用两个独立的可配置电源轨。A 端口跟踪 VCCA 引脚的电源电压。VCCA 引脚可接受 1.4V 至 5.5V 之间的任何电源电压。B 端口跟踪 VCCB 引脚的电源电压。VCCB 引脚接受 1.65V 至 5.5V 之间的任何电源电压。两个输入电源引脚可实现 1.65V、1.8V、2.5V、3.3V 和 5V 电压节点之间的低电压双向转换。输出使能 (OE) 输入为低电平时,所有输出均将置于高阻抗 (Hi-Z) 状态。为了在上电或断电期间将器件置于高阻态状态,需要通过一个下拉电阻将 OE 接至 GND。驱动器的拉电流能力确定了电阻器的最小值。 open-in-new 查找其他 自动方向电压转换器 下载 观看带字幕的视频 视频 您可能感兴趣的相似产品 open-in-new 比较替代产品 功能与比较器件相同但引脚有所不同 TXS0104E 正在供货 适用于开漏和推挽应用的四位双向电压电平转换器 Same function for 4-channel voltage translator 技术文档 star =有关此产品的 TI 精选热门文档 未找到结果。请清除搜索并重试。 查看全部 10 类型 标题 下载最新的英语版本 日期 * 数据表 TXS0108E 面向开漏和推挽应用的 8 位双向电压电平转换器 数据表 (Rev. J) PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 (Rev.J) PDF | HTML 2024年 2月 6日 应用简报 集成式与分立式开漏电平转换 PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 PDF | HTML 2024年 2月 13日 应用手册 利用边沿速率加速器和自动感应电平转换器 PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 PDF | HTML 2023年 10月 2日 应用简报 利用 TI 的双封装技术确保您的电平转换器设计适应未来需求 PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 PDF | HTML 2023年 9月 6日 应用手册 具有边沿速率加速器的 TXB 和 TXS 电压电平转换器的注意事项 PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 PDF | HTML 2023年 6月 29日 产品概述 电压转换应用快速参考 PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 PDF | HTML 2022年 10月 24日 EVM 用户指南 TXS-EVM 用户指南 (Rev. B) PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 (Rev.B) PDF | HTML 2021年 7月 15日 选择指南 Voltage Translation Buying Guide (Rev. A) 2021年 4月 15日 应用手册 Effects of pullup and pulldown resistors on TXS and TXB devices (Rev. A) 2018年 3月 28日 应用手册 A Guide to Voltage Translation With TXS-Type Translators 2010年 6月 29日 设计和开发 如需其他信息或资源,请点击以下任一标题进入详情页面查看(如有)。 评估板 14-24-LOGIC-EVM — 采用 14 引脚至 24 引脚 D、DB、DGV、DW、DYY、NS 和 PW 封装的逻辑产品通用评估模块 14-24-LOGIC-EVM 评估模块 (EVM) 旨在支持采用 14 引脚至 24 引脚 D、DW、DB、NS、PW、DYY 或 DGV 封装的任何逻辑器件。 用户指南: PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 (Rev.B): PDF | HTML 登录以订购   lock 登录以查看库存 In stock 数量限制: 上无现货 评估板 14-24-NL-LOGIC-EVM — 采用 14 引脚至 24 引脚无引线封装的逻辑产品通用评估模块 14-24-EVM 是一款灵活的评估模块 (EVM),旨在支持具有 14 引脚至 24 引脚 BQA、BQB、RGY、RSV、RJW 或 RHL 封装的任何逻辑或转换器件。 用户指南: PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 (Rev.A): PDF | HTML 登录以订购   lock 登录以查看库存 In stock 数量限制: 上无现货 评估板 TXS-EVM — 适用于单通道、双通道、四通道和八通道器件的转换器系列评估模块 TXS-EVM 设计用于支持单通道、双通道、四通道和八通道 TXS 器件。TXS 器件属于自动双向电压电平转换系列,工作电压范围为 1.2V 至 5.5V,设计用于支持各个扇区中的各种通用电压电平转换应用。 用户指南: PDF | HTML 下载英文版本 (Rev.B): PDF | HTML 登录以订购   lock 登录以查看库存 In stock 数量限制: 上无现货 仿真模型 TXS0108E IBIS Model (Rev. A) SCEM547A.ZIP (167 KB) - IBIS Model 下载 参考设计 TIDA-00352 — SDI 视频聚合参考设计 这款经过验证的参考设计是一个完整的四通道 SDI 聚合与解聚解决方案。使用一个 TLK10022 将四个同步 HD-SDI 源聚合到一条 5.94 Gbps 串行链路中。串行数据经由铜缆或光缆传输;使用另一个 TLK10022 来解聚并无缝重现原始视频内容。 测试报告: PDF 原理图: PDF 封装 引脚 下载 NFBGA (NME) 20 查看选项 TSSOP (PW) 20 查看选项 VQFN (RGY) 20 查看选项 应遵守 TI 评估类商品的标准条款与条件。 订购和质量 包含信息: RoHS REACH 器件标识 引脚镀层/焊球材料 MSL 等级/回流焊峰值温度 MTBF/时基故障估算 材料成分 鉴定摘要 持续可靠性监测 包含信息: 制造厂地点 封装厂地点 支持和培训 可获得 TI 工程师技术支持的 TI E2E™ 论坛 查看全部论坛主题 查看英文版全部论坛主题 所有内容均由 TI 和社区贡献者按“原样”提供,并不构成 TI 规范。请参阅使用条款。 如果您对质量、包装或订购 TI 产品有疑问,请参阅 TI 支持。​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 视频系列 观看全部视频 视频

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TeXstudio 4.7.3 documentation


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Advanced features#


TeXstudio uses “Sessions” to store and restore the set-up of open documents.

Session are stored as .txss2 files.

By default, the session is stored when exiting from TeXstudio and restored at start-up.

User Fold Marker#

Normally every structure command marks a start of foldable range, and every environment or TeX group constructs a foldable range. You can mark an extra foldable range by inserting special comments %BEGIN_FOLD and %END_FOLD.


For the “bib” files , the “Bibliography” menu enables you to

directly insert the entries corresponding to the standard types of



The optional fields can be automatically deleted with the

“Clean” command of the “Bibliography” menu.

Specialized bibliography programs like JabRef allow a more comfortable management of bibliography references. It can also be set up to insert bibIDs directly into TeXstudio.

GIT/SVN Support#

TeXstudio provides some basic support for version control management with git or subversion (svn).

Once set up, saving the document will also generate a check-in.

This is only the case with explicit saves via “File/Save” (or the shortcut CTRL+S), saving via a compile run is not checked in. This allows tweaking the document around compilation runs without overflowing the version management.

Newly saved documents are automatically added to an exsiting repository, if no repository exist, a new one will be generated at the directory level of the document.


You cannot checkout/clone a repository via TeXstudio. Just use the

normal tools for this. Once you have a working copy, TeXstudio can operate

on it.

“File/Checkin”Performs an explicit save and check in, with an input

dialog which asks for a checkin in message which is stored in the SVN/GIT


“File/Show old Revisions”Pops up a dialog, which shows all available

revisions. A selection of an older revision leads to instantaneous

change of the current document to that older revision. You can select

and copy old parts to transfer them to the most recent version of your

document, by copying the parts and then going back to most recent

version. If you start editing that document directly, the dialog is

closed and the present text will be your new most recent version though

yet unsaved.

Lock PDF/Checkin PDFallows to check in resulting pdf documents into the repository. SVN may lock the pdf from being changed by anyone else.

Show difference …shows diffs of two or three files in the editor. Changes are highlighted.

Advanced header usage#

So called “magic comments” are a way to adapt the options of the

editor on a per-document level. The concept was originally introduced in TeXshop

and has been adopted in a number of editors since. TeXstudio supports

the following magic comments:

% !TeX spellcheck = de_DEDefines the language used for spell checking of the document. This

overrides the global spellchecking settings. Nevertheless, an

appropriate dictionary has to be installed.

If no spellchecking is desired, set value to “none”.

% !TeX encoding = utf8Defines the character encoding of a document.

% !TeX root = filenameDefines the root document for this file (i.e. the file which will be

passed to the LaTeX compiler when building). This setting override

the automatic root detection in TeXstudio. In turn, it’s

overridden, if an explicit root document is set at

Options -> Root Document.

% !TeX program = pdflatexDefines the compiler to be used for the document. To be precise, it

overrides the default compiler (command txs:///compile) which is

used in the actions “Build & View” as well as “Compile”. Valid

options are “latex”, “pdflatex”, “xelatex”, “lualatex” and

“usern” (e.g. user0 as user defined command 0)

% !TeX TXS-program:bibliography = txs:///biberThis is a TeXstudio-specific setting. It overrides the build-system

command specified to the left by the one on the right. In the

example, we tell TXS to use the biber command (txs:///biber) for

the general “Bibliography command” (txs:///bibliography). See also

the description of the build system.


% !TeX TXS-program:compile = txs:///pdflatex/{-synctex}

This will run pdflatex as defined in the option without the -synctex=1 options, see description of the build system.

% !TeX TXS-SCRIPT = nameThis defines a temporary script macro .


% !TeX TXS-SCRIPT = foobar

% //Trigger = ?load-this-file

% app.load("/tmp/test/test.tex");

% app.load("/tmp/test/a.tex");


This defines a temporary script macro which is executed, when the

file is loaded, and which in turns loads the two files in /tmp/test.

The macros defined via TXS-SCRIPT are active in all files of a

document (e.g. included files). You cannot run them manually. They

are run via the trigger (regular expression or special trigger, see

section on triggers). The macro is just read once, when the file is

opened. Changes during an edit session will only take effect when

you reopen the file.

% !BIB program = biberThe special % !BIB program command is understood for compatibility

with TeXShop and TeXWorks (also in the variant % !BIB TS-program).

This is equivalent to

% !TeX TXS-program:bibliography = txs:///biber

Personal macros#

TeXstudio allows you to insert your own macros. These macros are defined

with the “Macros - Edit Macros” menu. Macros can consist of simple

text which is directly placed into txs (use type “Normal”). It can also be an

“environment” which are automatically extended by begin/end or it can

be a java script. The needed macro type can be selected by radio buttons “Normal”, “Environment”, or “Script”.

The “abbreviation” is a pseudo-command for the latex completer. If the

pseudo-command is completed, the macro will be inserted instead. Note

that the pseudo-command needs to start with a backslash (”\”).

“Trigger” is a regular expression which triggers the inclusion of the

macro: When the last written characters match this expression, they are

removed and the macro is inserted/executed. (see

below for more details).

Some macros can be directly downloaded from an internet repository. The

dialog is started with the button “Browse”. For easier data exchange,

macros can be im- and exported to a file. If you want to add a macro of

your own to that repository, you can hand it in as a feature request on


Each macro can be assigned a fixed shortcut in the “Shortcut” box.

The list of macros on the left-hand side represents the macro ordering

in the macro-menu. It is rearranged with the

“up”/”down”/”add”/”remove” buttons or with drag and drop.

Folders can be added to sort a larger number of macros sensibly. To move

macros into/from folders, only drag and drop works.

The “Exec Macro” button executes the macro immediately.

Text macros#

Apart from normal text, some special codes are recognized and replaced

on insertion.

If you write %| somewhere the cursor will be placed at that place

in the inserted text. (A second %| will select everything between


Write % to mark it as placeholder which is highlighted

in the text and can be selected by Ctrl+Left/Right.

Additional properties of the placeholder can be set after a %:,

e.g. %.

The available properties are:

select: The placeholder will be selected (similar to %|)

multiline: The placeholder is used for multiline text. If a

macro insertion replaces an existing text, the replaced text is

again inserted into a placeholder in the macro. If the original

text spans more than one line, it will be inserted into a

placeholder with the multiline property. Otherwise in a

placeholder with the select-property.

persistent: The placeholder is not automatically removed, when

its text is changed in the editor

mirror: The placeholder is a mirror of another placeholder in

the macro and thus will always have the same content as the

original placeholder. You should set an id, so it knows which

placeholders are connected

id:123: The id of the placeholder

columnShift:-12: The placeholder is not placed where the %<

markers are, but some columns to the left of it

translatable: The text of the placeholder should be added to

translations (only applicable to macros that are known during

the compilation of texstudio).

cutInsert: The text of the placeholder is replaced by cut buffer

(selected text when the snippet is inserted). This code is only

necessary if not the first placeholder is intended to take the

cut buffer, e.g. generate env (ctrl+e).

The option %(filefilter%) will be replaced by a filename which is

asked for in a file dialog. The file filter is the standard

Qt-Filefilterformat. For example “Images (*.png *.xpm

*.jpg);;Text files (*.txt);;XML files (*.xml)”, see also


Environment macros#

The text must consist of one word and no newline. The word will be used as environment-name, thus “environment” will be

inserted as:



Script Macros#

Instead of using code snippets, you can also make use of scripting with

QJS, an application scripting language based on


Select radio button “Script” to declare a macro as a script. Here

are the objects that provide the interface to the TeXstudio internals:

“editor” allows some top level operations like

searching/save/load. in the current document

“cursor” gives access to cursor operations like moving, inserting

and deleting texts.

“fileChooser” gives access to the filechooser dialog, a very

simple file selection dialog

“app” to access application wide things like the clipboard or the


The following table gives an overview on the provided commands.



alert(str), information(str), warning(str) or critical(str)

shows str in a messagebox with a certain icon

confirm(str) or confirmWarning(str)

shows str as a yes/no question in a messagebox


prints str to stdout

writeFile(name, value)

Writes value to file name (requires write privileges)


Reads the entire file name (requires read privileges)

system(cmd, workingDirectory=””)

Calls an external command cmd, which includes the program name and its arguments.cmd may undergo command-line expansion as follows:If cmd contains the string txs:/// or if it does not contain any pipe (|) characters, then cmd undergoes standard command-line expansion like any other external command. When expanding any tokens the current file is assumed to be the empty string, so any tokens that use the current file (e.g. % or ?) will expand to the empty string too.If cmd does not contain the string txs:/// and it contains at least one pipe character, then it is executed without any string expansion or replacement.If workingDirectory is not set, the working directory will be inherited from the TeXstudio executable. This command returns a ProcessX object which has the following methods: - waitForFinished: Wait until the process is finished- readAllStandardOutputStr: Returns the stdout- readAllStandardErrorStr: Returns the stderr- exitCode: The exit code- exitStatus: The qt exit status- terminate or kill: Stops the processIf the script does is not granted permission to run the external command, then system() returns null.ExamplesList all the files in the Subversion repository /usr/local/svnrepositoryThe command contains the string txs:///, so it undergoes the expansion as an external command.%SCRIPTcmd = system(“txs:///svn ls /usr/local/svnrepository”) cmd.waitForFinished()output = cmd.readAllStandardOutputStr()alert (output)Download the web page from and save it as the local file /home/john/page.html.The command does not contain any pipe characters (|), so it undergoes the expansion as an external command. Note that we have doubled the character ? in the URL, otherwise it would be expanded to current file which in our case would be the empty string.%SCRIPTcmd = system (“wget -O /home/john/page.html”)cmd.waitForFinished()

setGlobal(name, value)

Unsuppoted since txs 4.x. Sets a temporary, global variable


Unsuppoted since txs 4.x. Reads a global variable


Unsuppoted since txs 4.x. Checks for the existence of a global variable

setPersistent(name, value)

Sets a global configuration variable. (can change the values of the ini file, requires write privileges)


Reads a global configuration variable. (can read all values of the ini file, requires read privileges)


Checks if a global configuration variable exists. (requires read privileges)


Checks if the script has read privileges


Checks if the script has write privileges


Allows the script to run in the background (necessary iff the script should handle events/signals)


Matches of the regular trigger expression, if the script was called by an editor trigger.


Numeric id of the trigger, if the script was called by an event trigger.


Unsuppoted since txs 4.x. Includes another script. Can be a filename or the name of a macro.


List of all open, internal pdf viewers ., [options], [scope], [callback])

Searches something in the editor.- searchFor is the text which is searched. It can be either a string (e.g. “..”) or a regexp (e.g. /[.]{2}/). - options is a string and a combination of “i”, “g”, “w” to specify a case-insensitive search, a global search (continue after the first match) or a whole-word-only search.- scope is a cursor constraining the search scope (see editor.document().cursor).- callback is a function which is called for every match. A cursor describing the position of the match is passed as first argument.All arguments except searchFor are optional, and the order may be changed (which may not be future compatible). The function returns the number of found matches.

editor.replace(searchFor, [options], [scope], [replaceWith])

This function searches and replaces something in the editor. It behaves like apart from the replaceWith argument which can be a simple string or a callback function. If it is a function the return value of replaceWith is used to replace the match described by the cursor passed to replaceWith.

editor.replaceSelectedText(newText, [options])

This function replaces the current selections with newText or inserts newText, if nothing is selected. If newText is a function, it will be called with the selected text and corresponding cursor, and the return value will be the newText. It is recommended to use this function for all text replacements/insertions, since it is the easiest way to handle multiple cursors/block selections correctly.Options is an object that can have the following properties:- {"noEmpty": true} only replaces; does not insert anything if the selection is empty- {"onlyEmpty": true} only inserts at the cursor position; does not change non empty selected text- {"append": true} appends newText to the current selection, does not remove the old text- {"prepend": true} prepends newText to the current selection, does not remove the old text- {"macro": true} Treats newText as normal macro text, e.g. inserting %< %> placeholdersExamples:editor.replaceSelectedText("world", {"append": true} ) Appends “world” to the current selections.editor.replaceSelectedText(function(s){return s.toUpperCase();}) Converts the current selection to uppercase.


Inserts a text snippet into the editor. For a list of extended features and syntax see Text Macros.


undo last command in editor


redo last command in editor


cut selection to clipboard


copy selection to clipboard


paste clipboard contents


select all


select nothing (clear selections)


If a macro was triggered by a key press and there was a selection previous to the key press, the content of the selection is stored in the cutBuffer. The selection and its content is removed before the macro is entered.


activate “find panel”

editor.find(QString text, bool highlight, bool regex, bool word=false,bool caseSensitive=false);

activate “find panel” with predefined values

editor.find(QString text, bool highlight, bool regex, bool word, bool caseSensitive, bool fromCursor, bool selection);

activate “find panel” with predefined values


find next


replace (if find panel open and something is selected)


activate “goto line panel”


indent selection


unindent selection


comment selection


uncomment selection


clear place holders


jump to next place holder


jump to previous place holder

editor.setPlaceHolder(int i, bool selectCursors=true);

set Placeholder


set filename to f


inserts str at the current cursors position (if there are cursor mirrors, str will be inserted by all of them)


inserts str at the current cursor position (cursor mirrors are ignored,so it is preferable to use replaceSelectedText or write instead)


replace the whole text of the current document by text


return the text of the complete document

editor.text(int line)

return text of line


Returns the number of lines


Returns the number of visual lines (counting wrapped lines)

editor.document().cursor(line, [column = 0], [lineTo = -1],[columnTo = length of lineTo])

Unsupported in txs 4.x. Use new QDocumentCursor(…) instead, see section cursor.

editor.document().text([removeTrailing = false], [preserveIndent = true])

Returns the complete text of the document


Returns an array of all text lines


Returns a string containing the ending of a line (\n or \n\r)


Unsupported in txs 4.x.


Returns true if undo is possible


Returns true if redo is possible


Unfold the line in editor


Fold the line in editor


Expand all parents of the line until it is visible

editor.document().foldBlockAt(bool unFold, lineNr);

Collapses or expands the first block before lineNr


Returns the open document which directly includes this document


Deprecated: Use getRootDocument() instead


Returns the open document which indireclty includes this document and is not itself included by any other document


Returns the content of a magic comment, if it exists

editor.document().updateMagicComment(name, value, [create = false]);

Changes a magic comment


Returns the ids of all labels/references or included bibliography files.


Returns the name of the current environment (at the end of the line).


Current document (usually the same as editor.document(), unless the script is running in background mode)


Master document if defined


Array of all open documents


Returns the open document with a certain file name


Returns true if there is no explicit master document

documentManager. getMasterDocumentForDoc(document)

Deprecated: Use getRootDocumentForDoc(document) instead

documentManager. getRootDocumentForDoc(document)

Returns the open document (possibly indirectly) including the given document


Returns the file name of the bib file containing an entry with the given id

new QDocumentCursor(editor.document(),line, [column = 0], [lineTo = -1], [columnTo = length of lineTo])

Returns a cursor object. If lineTo is given the cursor has a selection from line:column to lineTo:columnTo, otherwise not.


returns whether the cursor is at the end of the document


returns whether the cursor is at the start of the document


returns whether the cursor is at the end of a block


returns whether the cursor is at the start of a block


returns whether the cursor is at the end of a line


returns whether the cursor is at the start of a line


return whether the cursor has a selection


returns the line number of the cursor


returns the column of the cursor


returns the line number of the anchor.


returns the column of the anchor.

cursor.shift(int offset)

Shift cursor position (text column) by a number of columns (characters)

cursor.setPosition(int pos, MoveMode m = MoveAnchor)

set the cursor position after pos-characters counted from document start (very slow)

cursor.movePosition(int offset, MoveOperation op = NextCharacter, MoveMode m = MoveAnchor);

move cursor offset times. MoveOperations may be: - cursorEnums.NoMove- cursorEnums.Up- cursorEnums.Down- cursorEnums.Left- cursorEnums.PreviousCharacter = Left- cursorEnums.Right- cursorEnums.NextCharacter = Right- cursorEnums.Start- cursorEnums.StartOfLine- cursorEnums.StartOfBlock = StartOfLine- cursorEnums.StartOfWord- cursorEnums.StartOfWordOrCommand- cursorEnums.PreviousBlock- cursorEnums.PreviousLine = PreviousBlock- cursorEnums.PreviousWord- cursorEnums.WordLeft- cursorEnums.WordRight- cursorEnums.End- cursorEnums.EndOfLine- cursorEnums.EndOfBlock = EndOfLine- cursorEnums.EndOfWord- cursorEnums.EndOfWordOrCommand- cursorEnums.NextWord- cursorEnums.NextBlock- cursorEnums.NextLine = NextBlockOptions for MoveMode are:- cursorEnums.MoveAnchor- cursorEnums.KeepAnchor- cursorEnums.ThroughWrap

cursor.moveTo(int line, int column);

move cursor to line and column


remove current line

cursor.insertLine(bool keepAnchor = false);

insert empty line

cursor.insertText(text, bool keepAnchor = false)

insert text text at cursor (this function will ignore indentations and mirrors, see editor.write and editor.insertText)


return the selected text


clears selection


removes selected text


replace selected text with text


removes char right to the cursor


removes char left to the cursor


begins a new edit block. All cursor operations encapsulated in an edit block are undone/redone at once.


ends an edit block


Current version (0xMMmm00)


Property to read/write to the clipboard


File name of currently edited file

app.getAbsoluteFilePath(rel, ext = “”)

Converts a relative filename to an absolute one


Loads a file


All menu commands (i.e. all slots in the texstudio.h file). You can view a list of all currently existing slots on the “menu” page of the config dialog.


check if completer is visible.

app.newManagedMenu([parent menu,] id, caption)

Creates a new menu and returns it


Returns a QMenu with a certain id

app.newManagedAction(menu, id, caption)

Creates a new action and returns it- menu: Parent menu- id: Id of the new action (the final, unique id will be menu id/action id)- caption: Visible textYou can use action.triggered.connect(function(){ … }); to link a function to the returned action (for details see the qt signal/slot documentation).


Returns a QAction with a certain id (all ids have the form main/menu1/menu2/…/menuN/action, with usually one menu, e.g. “main/edit/undo”, see texstudio.cpp)


load menu structure from an xml-file, same format as uiconfig.xml


recreate toolbars. Call this if a newly created menu is used in the toolbar.

app.createUI(file, [parent])

Loads a certain ui file and creates a QWidget* from it

app.createUIFromString(string, [parent])

Creates a QWidget* described in the string


Notify txs about the start/end of a slow operation to temporary disable the endless loop detection.


Trigger a KeyPress event for the given shortcut, e.g. app.simulateKeyPress("Shift+Up"). Note: this is mainly intended for shortcuts and navigation. Currently, it does not support all functions of a KeyPress event. In particular, you cannot type any text.

new UniversalInputDialog()

Creates a new dialog

dialog.add(defaultValue, [description, [id]])

Adds a new variable with the given default value, optional description and id to the dialog; and returns the corresponding qt component. A string default value becomes a QLineEdit, a number a QSpinBox and an array a QComboBox.


Returns the current value of the nr-th added variable or the variable with a certain id.


Returns the value of all variables as combined numerical/associative array. You can use returnvalue[i] to get the i-th variable, and to get the variable with a certain id.


Displays the dialog. Returns 1 if the user accepted the dialog, 0 if it was canceled.

Displays the dialog asynchronously.

UniversalInputDialog([[defaultValue_0, description_0, id_0],[defaultValue_1, description_1, id_1], …])

Not working in txs 4.0.0. Short form: Creates a new dialog, adds all variables of the array and call exec on it.


show dialog and wait until it is closed again


set directory in the dialog to dir


set file filter to filter, using the QT-format, see above


return selected filename (after exec)

Some examples:

Copy current file name to clipboard:


app.clipboard = editor.fileName();

Execution of editor text:



Show all properties of an object:


function write_properties(obj) {


newEditor = documentManager.currentDocument.editorView.editor; //access the newly created document

newEditor.setText(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj).join("\n")); //print the properties


obj = editor; //object to show (e.g. the current editor)


Additional action in the edit menu


var menu = app.getManagedMenu("main/edit"); //get edit menu

var act = app.newManagedAction(menu, "script", "scripttest"); //add action

act.triggered.connect(function(){alert("called");}); //register simple handler

registerAsBackgroundScript("test"); //keep handler valid

Asynchronous dialog:


var ui = createUI(" ... path to your ui file ..."); //load dialog

ui.accepted.connect(function(){alert("x");}) //react to dialog closing

registerAsBackgroundScript("abc"); //keep function valid; //show dialog

The dialog is described in an ui file which can be created with the

Qt Designer.

More examples can be found in the



Regular Expressions#

In its simplest form, the trigger is simply a text, which is replaced by

the macro. E.g. trigger=”eg” macro=”example given”, “eg” in “the

leg” is replaced on pressing “g” by “example given”

As the trigger is a regular expression, more elaborate triggers can be

created. TXS makes use of look-behind searching: “(?<=\s)%” is used

to replace a “%” if the previous character is a space. More help on

regular expressions can be found on the internet.

You can access the matched expression in the script via the global

variable triggerMatches. triggerMatches is an array. It’s zero-th

component is the match to the complete regexp. The following elements

are matches to groups (if groups are defined).


Trigger: #([a-z])

Typed text: #a

triggerMatches[0] == '#a'

triggerMatches[1] == 'a'

Note: Triggers are inactive while the completer is active. For example

you cannot trigger on \\sec if the completer is open suggesting to

complete \section.

Limitation of Scope#

To the scope in which a macro will be active, you can prepend an

expression of the pattern (?[scope-type]:...).

Scope Limiting Expression



The macro is only active if the highlighting of the document matches the given language. Example: (?language:latex)


Restrict the macro to certain highlighted environments. The possible values correspond to the list on the syntax highlighting config page.Example: (?highlighted-as:numbers,math-delimiter,math-keyword)


Similar to (?highlighted-as:...), but the macro is deactivated in the given environments.

You may combine (?language:...) and (?highlighted-as:...)

expressions. However, combing (?highlighted-as:...) and

(?not-highlighted-as:...) does not make sense logically and has

undefined behavior.

Note that you still need the regular expression of the trigger itself.

Here’s a full complex example:

(?language:latex)(?highlighted-as:comment,commentTodo)FIXME. This

trigger responds to typing “FIXME”, but only in comments and

todo-notes of latex documents.

Event Triggers#

Additionally the following special trigger terms (without parentheses)

can be used to execute the script when the corresponding event occurs:

Special Trigger

Executed on Event


TeXstudio is started.


A new file is created


A new file is created from a template


A file is loaded


The file containing the macro is loaded (only makes sense, if the script is defined as magic comment)


A file is saved


A file is closed


A document is un/defined as master document


A latex-like command has ended


A command run has ended (e.g. a compile command that calls latex twice and opens the viewer, will trigger this event once, but after-typeset twice)

Multiple of these special triggers can be combined by | symbols.

Save/Load Profile#

TeXstudio offers the possibility to save/load profile files (.txsprofile).

Profile files are complete configuration files, containing all configuration settings.

To use it meaningfully for exchanging profiles or settings, the .txsprofile file, which is a text file, should be stripped down to the necessary settings.

In case of syntax highlighting, this affects the formats section.








In case of other settings, the setting name is usually similar to the configuration settings name, so guessing should work. The section header for the setting like [formats] or [texmaker] needs to be present before the actual setting.



Tools\Commands\latex="latex -src -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex"

The “Convert to Html” command#

This command (from the “Tools” menu ) produces a set of html pages

from a LaTeX source file with one image for each html page. Each page in

the slide presentation corresponds to one of the postscript pages you

would obtain running LaTeX.

The command also produces an index page corresponding to the table of

contents you would obtain with LaTeX. Each item of the index page

includes a link to the corresponding html page.

You can create links in the html pages by using the \\ttwplink{}{} command in the tex file.


\ttwplink{}{my text} (external link)

\ttwplink{page3.html}{my text} (internal link)

\ttwplink{name_of_a_label}{my text} (internal link)


You can’t use this command with the hyperref package (and

some others packages). This command can only be used with the “Convert

to html” tool.


Configuring TeXstudio


Viewing a document (pdf)

Copyright © 2022, TeXstudio Team

Made with Sphinx and @pradyunsg's


On this page

Advanced features


User Fold Marker


GIT/SVN Support

Advanced header usage

Personal macros

Text macros

Environment macros

Script Macros


Regular Expressions

Limitation of Scope

Event Triggers

Save/Load Profile

The “Convert to Html” command

使用Vue 3.0做JSX(TSX)风格的组件开发 - 知乎

使用Vue 3.0做JSX(TSX)风格的组件开发 - 知乎首发于undefined切换模式写文章登录/注册使用Vue 3.0做JSX(TSX)风格的组件开发莫夭​阿里巴巴 前端技术专家前言我日常工作都是使用React来做开发,但是我对React一直不是很满意,特别是在推出React Hooks以后。不可否认React Hooks极大地方便了开发者,但是它又有非常多反直觉的地方,让我难以接受。所以在很长一段时间,我都在尝试寻找React的替代品,我尝试过不少别的前端框架,但都有各种各样的问题或限制。在看到了Vue 3.0 Composition-API的设计,确实有眼前一亮的感觉,它既保留了React Hooks的优点,又没有反复声明销毁的问题,而Vue一直都是支持JSX语法的,3.0对TypeScript的支持又非常好,所以我开始尝试用Vue + TSX来做开发。 Vue 3.0已经发布了alpha版本,可以通过以下命令来安装:npm install vue@next --save简单示例先来看看用Vue3.0 + TSX写一个组件是什么什么样子的。实现一个Input组件:import { defineComponent } from 'vue';

interface InputProps {

value: string;

onChange: (value: string) => void;


const Input = defineComponent({

setup(props: InputProps) {

const handleChange = (event: KeyboardEvent) => {



return () => (




可以看到写法和React非常相似,和React不同的是,一些内部方法,例如handleChange,不会在每次渲染时重复定义,而是在setup这个准备阶段完成,最后返回一个“函数组件”。这算是解决了React Hooks非常大的一个痛点,比React Hooks那种重复声明的方式要舒服多了。Vue 3.0对TS做了一些增强,不需要像以前那样必须声明props,而是可以通过TS类型声明来完成。这里的defineComponent没有太多实际用途,主要是为了让TS类型提示变得友好一点。Babel插件为了能让上面那段代码跑起来,还需要有一个Babel插件来转换上文中的JSX,Vue 3.0相比2.x有一些变化,不能再使用原来的vue-jsx插件。我们都知道JSX(TSX)实际上是语法糖,例如在React中,这样一段代码:const input = 实际上会被babel插件转换为下面这行代码:const input = React.createElement('input', { value: 'text' });

Vue 3.0也提供了一个对应React.createElement的方法h。但是这个h方法又和vue 2.0以及React都有一些不同。例如这样一段代码:

在vue2.0中会转换成这样:h('div', {

class: ['foo', 'bar'],

style: { margin: '10px' }

attrs: { id: 'foo' },

on: { click: foo }

})可以看到vue会将传入的属性做一个分类,会分为class、style、attrs、on等不同部分。这样做非常繁琐,也不好处理。在vue 3.0中跟react更加相似,会转成这样:h('div', {

class: ['foo', 'bar'],

style: { margin: '10px' }

id: 'foo',

onClick: foo

})基本上是传入什么就是什么,没有做额外的处理。当然和React.createElement相比也有一些区别:子节点不会作为以children这个名字在props中传入,而是通过slots去取,这个下文会做说明。多个子节点是以数组的形式传入,而不是像React那样作为分开的参数所以只能自己动手来实现这个插件,我是在babel-plugin-transform-react-jsx的基础上修改的,并且自动注入了h方法。实际使用在上面的工作完成以后,我们可以真正开始做开发了。渲染子节点上文说到,子节点不会像React那样作为children这个prop传递,而是要通过slots去取:例如实现一个Button组件// button.tsx

import { defineComponent } from 'vue';

import './style.less';

interface ButtonProps {

type: 'primary' | 'dashed' | 'link'


const Button = defineComponent({

setup(props: ButtonProps, { slots }) {

return () => (




export default Button;

然后我们就可以使用它了:import { createApp } from 'vue';

import Button from './button';

// vue 3.0也支持函数组件

const App = () =>

createApp().mount(App, '#app');

渲染结果Reactive配合vue 3.0提供的reactive,不需要主动通知Vue更新视图,直接更新数据即可。例如一个点击计数的组件Counter:import { defineComponent, reactive } from 'vue';

const Counter = defineComponent({

setup() {

const state = reactive({ count: 0 });

const handleClick = () => state.count++;

return () => (




渲染结果这个Counter组件如果用React Hooks来写:import React, { useState } from 'react';

const Counter = () => {

const [count, setCount] = useState(0);

const handleClick = () => setCount(count + 1);

return (



对比之下可以发现Vue 3.0的优势:在React中,useState和定义handleClick的代码会在每次渲染时都执行,而Vue定义的组件重新渲染时只会执行setup中最后返回的渲染方法,不会重复执行上面的那部分代码。而且在Vue中,只需要更新对应的值即可触发视图更新,不需要像React那样调用setCount。当然Vue的这种定义组件的方式也带来了一些限制,setup的参数props是一个reactive对象,不要对它进行解构赋值,使用时要格外注意这一点:例如实现一个简单的展示内容的组件:// 错误示例

import { defineComponent, reactive } from 'vue';

interface LabelProps {

content: string;


const Label = defineComponent({

setup({ content }: LabelProps) {

return () => {content}


})这样写是有问题的,我们在setup的参数中直接对props做了解构赋值,写成了{ content },这样在后续外部更新传入的content时,组件是不会更新的,因为破坏了props的响应机制。以后可以通过eslint之类的工具来避免这种写法。正确的写法是在返回的方法里再对props做解构赋值:import { defineComponent, reactive } from 'vue';

interface LabelProps {

content: string;


const Label = defineComponent({

setup(props: LabelProps) {

return () => {

const { content } = props; // 在这里对props做解构赋值

return {content};



})生命周期方法在Vue 3.0中使用生命周期方法也非常简单,直接将对应的方法import进来即可使用。import { defineComponent, reactive, onMounted } from 'vue';

interface LabelProps {

content: string;


const Label = defineComponent({

setup(props: LabelProps) {

onMounted(() => { console.log('mounted!'); });

return () => {

const { content } = props;

return {content};



})vue 3.0对tree-shaking非常友好,所有API和内置组件都支持tree-shaking。如果你所有地方都没有用到onMounted,支持tree-shaking的打包工具会自动将起去掉,不会打进最后的包里。指令和过渡效果Vue 3.0还提供了一系列组件和方法,来使JSX也能使用模板语法的指令和过渡效果。使用Transition在显示/隐藏内容块时做过渡动画:import { defineComponent, ref, Transition } from 'vue';

import './style.less';

const App = defineComponent({

setup() {

const count = ref(0);

const handleClick = () => {

count.value ++;


return () => (

{count.value % 2 === 0 ?

count: {count.value}

: null}




// style.less

.slide-fade-enter-active {

transition: all .3s ease;


.slide-fade-leave-active {

transition: all .8s cubic-bezier(1.0, 0.5, 0.8, 1.0);


.slide-fade-enter, .slide-fade-leave-to {

transform: translateX(10px);

opacity: 0;

}渲染结果也可以通过withDirectives来使用各种指令,例如实现模板语法v-show的效果:import { defineComponent, ref, Transition, withDirectives, vShow } from 'vue';

import './style.less';

const App = defineComponent({

setup() {

const count = ref(0);

const handleClick = () => {

count.value ++;


return () => (


Count: {count.value}

, [[

vShow, count.value % 2 === 0






Count: {count.value}

优缺点在我看来Vue 3.0 + TSX完全可以作为React的替代,它既保留了React Hooks的优点,又避开了React Hooks的种种问题。但是这种用法也有一个难以忽视的问题:它没办法获得Vue 3.0编译阶段的优化。Vue 3.0通过对模板的分析,可以做一些前期优化,而JSX语法是难以做到的。例如“静态树提升”优化:如下一段模板(这是模板,并非JSX): 如果不做任何优化,那么编译后得到的代码应该是这样子:render() {

return h('div', [

h('span', 'static'),

h('span', this.dynamic)



那么每次重新渲染时,都会执行3次h方法,虽然未必会触发真正的DOM更新,但这也是一部分开销。通过观察,我们知道h('span', 'static')这段代码传入的参数始终都不会有变化,它是静态的,而只有h('span', this.dynamic)这段才会根据dynamic的值变化。在Vue 3.0中,编译器会自动分析出这种区别,对于静态的节点,会自动提升到render方法外部,避免重复执行。Vue 3.0编译后的代码: const __static1 = h('span', 'static');

render() {

return h('div', [


h('span', this.dynamic)


}这样每次渲染时就只会执行两次h。换言之,经过静态树提升后,Vue 3.0渲染成本将只会和动态节点的规模相关,静态节点将会被复用。除了静态树提升,还有很多别的编译阶段的优化,这些都是JSX语法难以做到的,因为JSX语法本质上还是在写JS,它没有任何限制,强行提升它会破坏JS执行的上下文,所以很难做出这种优化(也许配合prepack可以做到)。考虑到这一点,如果你是在实现一个对性能要求较高的基础组件库,那模板语法仍然是首选。另外JSX也没办法做ref自动展开,使得ref和reactive在使用上没有太大区别。后话我个人对Vue 3.0是非常满意的,无论是对TS的支持,还是新的Composition API,如果不限制框架的话,那Vue以后肯定是我的首选。我的文章最先发表在我的[GitHub博客](,欢迎关注更新:本文中通过TS的interface声明props类型的依赖vue3的Optional props decalration,但后续版本中这个功能被废除了,原因可以查看#154, 在#1155中也有一些替代方案的讨论编辑于 2020-08-12 19:54前端开发框架和库前端开发Vue.js​赞同 458​​57 条评论​分享​喜欢​收藏​申请转载​文章被以下专栏收录undefined前端外刊评论关注前端技术,探寻深

用紫杉二烯合酶天然和工程生产紫杉二烯。,Biotechnology and Bioengineering - X-MOL

用紫杉二烯合酶天然和工程生产紫杉二烯。,Biotechnology and Bioengineering - X-MOL
















X-MOL 学术

Biotechnol. Bioeng.


Our official English website,, welcomes your feedback! (Note: you will need to create a separate account there.)


Biotechnology and Bioengineering





Pub Date : 2014-09-27

, DOI:


Sameh Soliman



Yi Tang


Departments of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of Bioengineering, University of California, Los Angeles, 420 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, California, 90095.



Natural and engineered production of taxadiene with taxadiene synthase.

Taxadiene synthase (TXS) is the rate-limiting enzyme in the biosynthesis of paclitaxel, an important anticancer compound. TXS catalyzes the conversion of the diterpene precursor geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (GGPP) into the diterpene taxadiene. Due to the importance of taxadiene in the overall biosynthetic pathway of paclitaxel biosynthesis, the enzyme TXS has been the subject of intense scientific and engineering investigations. The crystal structure of TXS was recently elucidated, thereby providing an atomic blueprint for future protein engineering efforts. Metabolic engineering of TXS for taxadiene product in different microbial and plant organisms have also been extensively performed, culminating in the high-titer production in Escherichia coli. Additional aspects of taxadiene production by TXS will be discussed in the review, including metabolic regulation in native host and possible production by endophytic fungal hosts.























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